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Retrospective evaluation of platelet indices and RAS mutations in patients with colon cancer
Aims: Colon cancers are one of the most common cancer types in the world and cause significant mortality. The presence of RAS mutation is also associated with poor prognosis in colon cancers and plays an important role in the choice of treatment. Platelet indices, which have recently been evaluated with an easy-to-reach method, have been discussed as an inflammatory marker in many studies. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between platelet distribution width (PDW), colon cancer stage and the presence of RAS mutation.
Methods: File records of 132 patients who were followed up with the diagnosis of colon cancer in Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology Department between January 1, 2015 and January 1, 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients with RAS mutations and who did not receive chemotherapy were included in the study. Patients with and without RAS mutation were divided into two groups and their platelet index (especially PDW) values were compared. PDW values were compared according to the stages of the patients. The correlation between stage and PDW was examined.
Results: Of the 132 patients included in the study, 82 (62.1%) were male and 50 (37.9%) were female. Participants; 12 (9.1%) stage 1, 23 (17.4%) stage 2, 29 (22%) stage 3, 68 (51.5%) stage 4 colon cancer patients. There were no RAS mutations in 73 (55.3%) patients, and 59 (44.7%) patients had RAS mutations. There was no significant difference in PDW between the two groups with negative and positive RAS mutations (p=0.826). According to the stages; PDW values were significantly different between the four stages (X2=9.878, p=0.020).
Conclusion: In the study, PDW increased as the stage increased, but there was no significant relationship between RAS mutation and PDW. This was attributed to the fact that as the stage increases, the level of inflammation may be associated with an increase. Larger studies on this subject are needed.

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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023
Page : 1-7