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Original Article
Evaluation of transmission routes in patients with acute hepatitis B
Aims: In this study, we aimed to determine the possible transmission routes in patients diagnosed with acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection by anamnesis, physical examination and serologic tests.
Methods: For this purpose, 44 patients hospitalized with acute hepatitis B in the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Clinic of Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital were included in the study. Patients were questioned about possible transmission routes. The diagnosis of acute hepatitis B was based on anamnesis, physical examination findings, anti-HBcIgM positivity by ELISA, absence of HBsAg positivity for more than 6 months and an increase in liver enzymes AST and ALT values 8-10 times above normal levels. HBsAg, HBeAg, AntiHBe serologic tests and Anti-HDV antibody against hepatitis delta virus (HDV) were also investigated in the sera of patients with acute hepatitis B. Possible transmission forms were questioned and recorded in the patient follow-up forms. All serologic markers were analyzed by ELISA (Organon, Netherlands).
Results: Of the 44 patients included in the study, 29 (66%) were male and 19 (34%) were female. The mean ages of male and female patients were 36.6 (24-66 years) and 31.6 (23-60 years), respectively. When the patients with acute hepatitis B were evaluated in terms of possible transmission routes, 8 (18.2%) of the patients had HBsAg positive spouses, 3 patients had a history of surgical intervention in the last 6 months, 3 patients had a history of dental intervention, 2 patients had a history of blood transfusion in the last 6 months, and 2 patients had more than one possible transmission risk. Twenty-six (59.3%) patients had no possible route of transmission.
Conclusion: Our findings revealed that possible transmission routes could not be identified in more than half of acute hepatitis B patients. In addition, we determined that 18.2% HBsAg positivity in the spouses of acute hepatitis B patients may be a possible route of transmission. In conclusion, we believe that patients with acute HBV infection should be evaluated for possible transmission routes, family members of acute hepatitis B patients should be screened for HBV infection, those with negative anti-HBs antibodies should be vaccinated, and relatives of HBsAg positive patients should be checked periodically.

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Volume 2, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 64-67