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TSH receptor autoantibody levels in patients with non-toxic diffuse and nodular goiter
Aims: To investigate TSH receptor antibody (TRAb) levels in patients with diffuse and nodular goiter and in patients which undergo thyroid operation.
Methods: 40 patients with non-toxic diffuse goiter (NTDG), 20 patients with non-toxic nodular goiter (NTNG), 20 patients undergo thyroid operation and 34 healthy subjects were involved. Thyroid function tests, TRAb levels were measured. All the patients were done thyroid sonography. In the opereation group, preoperative, postoperative 10th and 30th day TRAbs were studied.
Results: TRAb was significantly elevated in 20% of patients with NTNG, 30% of patients with NTDG and 35% of patients in the operation group (p>0.05). No TRAb(+) patient was found in the control group. TRAb levels in the postoperative period in the operated group were higher than in the preoperative period.
Conclusion: TRAb was found in euthyroid patients with goiter, different from the control group. In the group operated for goiter, postoperative TRAb levels were higher than preoperative levels. These findings indicated that autoimmunity may be involved in the development of non-toxic goiter.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 77-81