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Evaluation with spiral computed tomography angiography after intravascular stent application in atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis
Aims: With the development of spiral scanning, computed tomography angiography (CTA) is preferred over conventional angiography in many vascular applications. Reduced respiratory and motion artifacts and ability to catch arterial phase during one inspiration are the advantages of spiral CTA. Our aim in this study is to evaluate the value of spiral CTA in demonstrating stent integrity, stent patency, and renal artery/stent relationship after renal artery stenting.
Methods: 15 patients (12 male and 3 female) who had renal artery metallic stents were included in this study. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and creatinine values of the patients were measured before and after the stent. Patients were examined by CTA after renal artery stenting. In renal artery segments with renal artery stenosis and stenting on CTA; stent diameter, stent length, integrity, luminal contrast enhancement and intraluminal calcification were evaluated with 1 mm axial reconstructed images and "post-process" techniques multiplanar reformat (MPR), maximum intensity projection (MIP), shaded surface display (SSD), and virtual intravascular endoscopy (VIE).
Results: Of the stenosis in which stents were placed, 1 was located in the proximal renal artery, 4 were in the mid-renal artery, and 10 were ostial. The whole stent was visualized in 8 cases. Among the MPR images, the axial plane was the best to depict the lumen in 13 cases. The stent lumen was best visualized on oblique MPR images in the axial plane. The visibility of the stent lumen decreased in MIP images with increased slice thickness. In cases where stenosis was considered due to intimal hyperplasia within the stent, no stenotic appearance was observed on MPR and MIP images. In all patients, stent and wall calcifications were observed separately from the contrast medium on MPR and MIP images. On SSD images, the stent could not be distinguished from contrast material and vascular wall calcifications in all patients. In VIE images, the renal artery ostium and the stent were viewed from the aortic lumen in all patients. The stent was observed as patent in 14 cases. In one case, occlusion was demonstrated proximal to the stent.
Conclusion: Spiral CTA is a noninvasive procedure in evaluating the integrity of the stent, stent patency and renal artery/stent relationship after renal artery stenting.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 82-88